Group 2
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2-Stage Transfer Drawing (Advancing To A Future State), Erik and Dennis Oppenheim. From the series Program Four
2-Stage Transfer Drawing (Advancing To A Future State), Erik and Dennis Oppenheim. From the series Program Four
2-Stage Transfer Drawing (Advancing To A Future State), Erik and Dennis Oppenheim. From the series Program Four
Foto: Stefan Ståhle/Moderna Museet

2-Stage Transfer Drawing (Advancing To A Future State), Erik and Dennis Oppenheim. From the series Program Four

Konstnär (USA, 1938 - 2011)
Alternativ titel
  • 2-Stage Transfer Drawing (Advancing To A Future State), Erik and Dennis Oppenheim. Ur serien Program Four
Teknik/MaterialVideo, sv/v, utan ljud
Mått2:53 min
KlassificeringPerformanceRörlig bild
Credit LineInköp 1998 med medel från Gerard Bonniers stiftelse
InventarienummerMOMVi 100:21
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Beskrivning Aspen Projects (1968 -1974) innehåller Dennis Oppenheims dokumenterade performances. Aspen Projects inkluderar totalt 53 kortfilmer.