Group 2
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Ma gouvernante - My Nurse - Mein Kindermädchen
Ma gouvernante - My Nurse - Mein Kindermädchen
Ma gouvernante - My Nurse - Mein Kindermädchen
Photo: Prallan Allsten/Moderna Museet

Ma gouvernante - My Nurse - Mein Kindermädchen

Artist (Schweiz, 1913 - 1985)
Alternate Title
  • Min guvernant
MediumMetal plate, shoes, string, paper
Dimensions14 x 33 x 21 cm
Credit LinePurchase 1967 with contribution from The Friends of Moderna Museet
On view
Object NumberNMSK 1972
About the artworkA pair of trussed white pumps are served on a silver plate. The heels are adorned with white paper ruffles of the kind formerly used for chicken or lamb chops at fancy dinners. In surrealist works such as this, objects that don’t “belong together” are often combined, like in dreams. The surrealists were interested in dreams, sexuality and urges, influenced by Sigmund Freud and psychoanalysis, which was new at the time. Shoes can also be seen as a fetish, an ordinary object that is charged with sexual meaning. Several of Meret Oppenheim’s works concern the construction of “femininity”. In that perspective, the string around the shoes can be read as a symbol of how roles are forced upon women.
Description Replik utförd 1967 Selected exhibition history Samlingsutställning 2004 - 2011 - I vår tid (2004 - 2011) Moderna Museet, Stockholm Mästerverken åter. Verk av spanska konstnärer ur Samling S. runt den återbördade Picassos Källan. (1995) Moderna Museet, Stockholm Surrealism, samlingen (den 19 oktober 2024 - den 18 januari 2026) Moderna Museet, Stockholm Meret Oppenheim (1967) Moderna Museet, Stockholm Moderna Museet c/o Malmö Konsthall (2003) Malmö Konsthall Internationell Surrealism (1998) Moderna Museet, Stockholm Den underjordiska himlen. Surrealism i Moderna Museets samling Moderna Museet, Stockholm Surrealism? (1970) Göteborgs Konsthall Givet av MMV (1972) Moderna Museet, Stockholm Supersurrealismen (den 29 september 2012 - den 27 januari 2013) Moderna Museet Malmö Samlingsutställning 2019-2022 (den 1 februari 2019 - den 27 augusti 2023) Moderna Museet, Stockholm Meret Oppenheim 2004 (2004) Moderna Museet, Stockholm Moderna Museets samling i ny presentation (1998-2000) Moderna Museet, Stockholm Moderna Museet c/o Bildmuseet - Dada och surrealism (2003) Bildmuseet, Umeå The Moderna Museet exhibition catalogues Surrealism? : [Moderna Museet, Stockholm : 6 mars - 12 april 1970]Meret Oppenheim : [Moderna Museet : 15 april - 21 maj 1967]Moderna Museet c/o Malmö Konsthall : [Malmö Konsthall : 8 februari - 4 maj 2003]Mästerverken åter! Moderna Museet, Spårvagnshallarna : [6 maj - 27 augusti 1995]Meret Oppenheim: Moderna Museet [4.9-31.10] 2004The Masterpieces are back! : Moderna Museet, Spårvagnshallarna : [May 6th - August 27th 1995]Givet av Moderna Museets vänner : [Moderna Museet : 22.1 - 13.2 1972]